Online Multiplayer Tarot Game
Is it possible to play Tarot online for free?
Choose a nickname, a password and off you go. To take part in an online tarot game, it only takes a few seconds to register.
Once your account has been created, you can join a host of other players to chat and play together.
Free games are available every day. What's more, you can sign up for competitions and tournaments, giving you the chance to compete against thousands of other players for free.

Awaken your competitive spirit
Online Tarot offers you the opportunity to face a multitude of opponents on a daily basis without having to leave your home. At any time of the day or night, 7 days a week, Tarot players are ready to take up the challenge.

Tarot competitions
Are you a fan of tarot challenges? The Competition mode is designed for you, offering you the chance to take on a multitude of opponents and raise your name to the top of the leaderboard.
Game after game, oust all your competitors to be recognized as the best online Tarot player.

Tarot Championships
Competitions are not the only way to demonstrate your excellence. Would you prefer to take the time to make well-considered choices, so as to always play the right card and achieve a near-perfect score? Then Championship mode is for you.
You have the whole day, or even several days, to achieve the best possible score. Each championship comprises a set number of rounds.
Are you a competitor at heart, but prefer to take your time? Ponder each card to reach the optimum score? Championship mode is for you.
This game format allows you to suspend your championship and resume it later.
Every day, a new free tarot championship is offered, and many other exceptional championships are organized every month.

The spirit of friendship
A game of Tarot is not only a pleasure to play, but also to discuss the match with your partners or opponents. At LudiCash, online Tarot sessions can be extended via our private or public messaging system.
On our platform, the spirit of friendship is paramount, and you'll find plenty of tools to find your fellow players or simply chat and meet other regulars over a game.
Has your partner made an opening mistake that has upset you? Do you no longer wish to play or chat with him/her? That's an option on our site, as you can block or ignore him by clicking on his name in the game room.
Varied options
To intensify the pleasure of the game, several options are available on our site to diversify the games and experiences. Whether you prefer a fast or slow game, whether you're an expert or a beginner, you're sure to find options to suit your playing style.

Attack mode
This game mode, accessible in duplicate, allows you to play only offensive games. Forget the boring games you have to endure, by opting for the offensive mode, you can be sure of having a hand that will at least allow you to take the lead.

FFT mode
FFT mode lets you play according to FFT conventions. It makes it easy to identify playing partners who also use these conventions.
Various game modes
Our site offers a variety of ways to play tarot, including Classic, Duels and Duplicate.
These three game modes offer a variety of experiences. Whether you simply want to relax in a friendly game in Classic mode, challenge an opponent in Duel mode, or compete with the best in Duplicate mode, you'll find something to suit you.

Tarot games for 4 or 5 players to chat and play in friendship. Prefer 4 players? There are plenty of games every hour of the day. Like to play with 5 players and call for the king? That's possible too.

Duel mode lets you challenge another player with two robot players who will partner up with the defending player.

Every detail counts in this game mode. Play with three robots and receive the same cards as your opponent. The player with the highest score wins the game.
Master the tarot deck in just a few moments
Tarot is a captivating game, with each game being unique and allowing you to perfect your skills over many years. However, it only takes a few minutes to understand the rules and fundamentals.
Tarot express rules
Tarot is played with 78 cards. In a four-card game, each player receives 18 cards.
During a game of tarot, the dealer deals the cards in groups of three counter-clockwise, until each player has 18 cards. During the deal, the dealer must also set aside six cards face-down, known as "the dog".
Once all the cards have been dealt, players can consult their hand and the bidding begins. Each player, starting with the player to the right of the dealer, can choose to pass or announce a contract.
Card values
To evaluate your hand, it is crucial to know the different categories of cards.
First of all, there are the trumps, 21 in number, which allow you to cut when you don't have the requested suit. Each trump is worth 0.5 points, with the exception of 1 and 21, which we'll discuss later.
Next come the suits: spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs. For each suit, cards from ace (the weakest card in the game, unlike belote) to 10 are worth 0.5 points. Tricks, meanwhile, are worth between 1.5 and 4.5 points.
Finally, there are the ends. These are very important, as they determine the number of points the taker must complete.

The Tarot contract
Tarot is a game based on contracts, where the player who decides to take must reach a certain number of points according to the number of ends he has in his hand.
The three ends, each worth 4.5 points, are the 1 (or petit), the 21 and the excuse.
- 0 end: 56 points to reach
- 1 end: 51 points to reach
- 2 ends: 41 points to reach
- 3 ends: 36 points to reach
Tarot is generally played 1 to 3 (except in games of 5). The taker is in opposition to the other three players (the defenders).
Once all the cards have been dealt and the Dog has been formed, all players can look at their deck. The Dog remains hidden. The bidding can then begin: each player, starting with the one to the right of the dealer, can choose to announce a contract or pass.
Note: if a player has only the 1 trump (without the excuse), the deal is cancelled and redistributed.
There are several possible contracts in tarot. Each contract, from prise to garde contre, has a multiplier coefficient that increases with the level of risk.
Visit plug This is the most basic contract in tarot. The declarer has the Dog and considers that his chances of success are moderate and does not wish to take too many risks.
Visit Guard This is the standard contract. The declarer has the Dog and believes his chances of success are good, but not good enough to give up the Dog.
Visit Garde Sans the declarer has a very good game and thinks he doesn't need the Dog's cards to reach his contract. However, the Dog's points count towards the final score.
Visit Guard Against The declarer has an exceptional game and feels he needs neither the Dog's cards nor the Dog's points to reach his contract.
Tarot scores at the end of the round
When the round is over, a scoreboard appears. The round summary shows the scores of the declarer and defenders, and whether or not the contract has been fulfilled.
Tarot strategy for progress!
For tarot pros, we've created a game viewer that lets you review and analyze the games you've played.
The viewer is highly appreciated by experts for helping them to progress and better understand the playing style of their opponents or partners.
To review a game, go to the "Completed games" section and click on the game in question.